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COVID-19 UPDATE - January 2021

With news of the virus spreading through Europe, we wanted to give you an update to our position with our classes in our studio.

We have always cleaned our mats before every class with a mat wash that has anti-bacterial properties, that was part of our own policy, and we continued to do this. We also have an air filtration system in our studio that we used daily.

But we still had to close the studio due to government guidelines and to keep our customers safe.

At this time our studio remains shut until further notice. We feel it is best to keep the studio and classes closed for now, until we feel it is a safe time to be able to offer classes again to our customers. We will be reviewing this regularly and will let you know as soon as we decide reopen our movement studio again. 

Thank you for your understanding, and we wish you all to keep safe. 

InMotion active studio


Somatics is a method of neuromuscular education that relieves chronic pain and prevents recurring injuries by re-educating your nervous system.

In essence it allows your brain to gain back control of your body and release un-necessary muscular tension that is the cause of constant pain or recurring injuries.

You might believe that ageing is the cause of your aches and pains. Not so!

Most problems are caused by the way you constantly use your body. Your nervous system tells you which muscles to contract and when to relax them. The more you repeat a posture or a movement the more deeply embedded in your body it becomes. After a while your patterns are so deeply learned that they become automatic. We call this muscle memory! This is great if you lock in a good pattern, but if you lock in a bad pattern i.e. sitting hunched over a desk then problems occur.
The only way to change these deeply learned muscular patterns is to re-educate the nervous system.


To book your place on a class please see below.

How does Somatics work?

Somatics uses a technique called pandiculation to release muscle tension. 


When you pandiculate a muscle you contract it tighter than its present contraction rate and the brain (the muscle's command centre) receives strong sensory feedback, which allows it to “refresh” its sensation of the muscle.When you then slowly lengthen from that initial contraction, the brain will allow the muscle to lengthen past the point of its former, tighter length and into a new, fuller range. 

Who is Somatics good for?

Somatics is beneficial for everyone. If you able to lie down comfortably on the floor and have a strong desire to relieve tension, muscle aches and restore energy back to your body then somatics is perfect for you.


There is no equipment necessary, just an open mind and comfortable clothing.We will do the rest. 

What to expect from a session

You will be guided through slow, controlled, pain free movements which will allow your brain to gain back control of your tight tired muscles.

Movements are performed with your eyes closed to allow you to 'feel' what is happening as opposed to relying on visual input, along with a focus on your breathing which provides a meditative effect. It is highly beneficial to combat the mental stresses of every day life. 

Somatics is an education system. You will be taught techniques that you can easily do at home. 

COVID-19 UPDATE - 25th May 2020

With news of the virus spreading through Europe, we wanted to give you an update to our position with our classes in our studio.

We have always cleaned our mats before every class with a mat wash that has anti-bacterial properties, that was part of our own policy, and we continued to do this. We also have an air filtration system in our studio that we used daily.

But we still had to close the studio due to government guidelines and to keep our customers safe.

At this time our studio remains shut. Many businesses are starting to reopen, as is our store, and get back to some normality of life. But we feel it is best to keep the studio and classes closed for now, until we feel it is a safe time to be able to offer classes again to our customers. We will be reviewing this regularly and will let you know as soon as we reopen our movement studio again. 

Thank you for your understanding, and we wish you all to keep safe. 

Class types & times 

Somatics 6 week programme

A 6 week structured program of gentle full body movements, focussing on specific areas of the body each week.

Each 1 hour class is designed to relieve the effects of tight over-used muscles, resulting in less pain, improved posture and freedom of movement.


Suitable for all ages and fitness levels. 

Mondays 17:45 - 18:45   


Our next programme starts soon in 2020. Message us for more information.


Somatics drop in classes

A 45 minute walk-in class designed to release the tensions of the day.

Based on gentle controlled movements, there is no need for sports gear, so just turn up in comfortable work wear and be prepared to recharge your body. 


Suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

There are currently no express classes available

Join us on the mat with our Somatics 6 week programme. Book your Somatics session today by contacting us

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